Ever wanted to have the sleek sophistication and style of a Mac, but still maintain the compatibility of windows?
Well, you're in luck, because with the help of a couple files you can skin your PC to look like OS X. You've got a couple of options:
Firstly, Engadget has posted an article on how to skin your PC. The only downside to this is you've gotta download each of the programs individually, which is tedious and time-consuming. Either way, you can read the article & download the apps here.
Or, if you're in a hurry and would rather download a single file that does all of this (and looks slightly better, as far as the Apple Menubar is concerned), you can download FlyaKite OS X [click download; right now the Flyakite website doesn't seem to be working].
Then again, you could just buy a Mac and use Virtual PC...
Technorati Tags: hacks, pc+themes, flyakiteosx